Tech Against Terrorism
Tech Against Terrorism
The Challenge of Hybrid Threats Online
With the help of our expert guests, we explore what hybrid threats are in the context of online terrorism and violent extremism. We consider why this hybridisation has increased in recent years and how online extremism has blurred and overlapped with other online harms such as disinformation and conspiracy theory movements.
We also touch on “grey area” content, consider whether algorithms promote more hateful or extreme narratives online, and discuss what the tech sector and policymakers can do to tackle hybrid threats online.
Join Anne Craanen as she speaks to Dr Bettina Rottweiler, a Research Fellow at University College London (UCL) where she specialises in researching risk and protective factors for violent extremism. And Milo Comerford, Head of Policy & Research at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), which specialises in research and policy advice on hate, extremism, and disinformation.
You can read a transcript of this episode here.
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